Incident Report and Procedures for Programs with Minors

Please see below for when this form should be filled out. For youth programs that do not have an incident report to inform parents/guardians of incidents, you may utilize our PDF version here.

When do you need to use the Youth Protection Incident form?

  • All suspected, witnessed, or reported incidents of Child Abuse, Neglect or Violent Offense must be reported immediately to the Rice University Police Department, regardless of the residence of the youth involved or the suspected perpetrator. To make a report, call 713-348-6000.
  • The following incidents involving youth must be reported to the Youth Protection Manager through the Youth Protection Incident Report.
    • Abuse (physical, emotional, and sexual)
    • Harassment
    • Bullying
    • Peer to peer violence
    • Medical (care provided by REMS or off-site clinic)
    • Injuries
    • Hospitalizations
    • Mental health concerns
    • Incidents of conduct violations
    • Dismissal from program
  • If you're not sure, fill out the form!

Reporting Suspected, Witnessed, or Reported Child Abuse/Neglect (on-campus, off-campus, or virtual)

All Rice employees, faculty, staff, students, volunteers and independent contractors have a legal obligation to report abuse or neglect whether it is witnessed, suspected, or reported. If you witness or receive a report of child abuse or neglect:

  • Remove the minor from the abusive environment.
  • Call the Rice University Police Department at x6000 or 713-348-6000 for any on-campus, off-campus or virtual program with minors. Provide as much information about the witnessed, suspected or reported abuse as possible. RUPD will inform the reporter if a report to an outside organization will need to be made.
  • Report the situation to your supervisor or if they are the abuser, someone else in a management role.
  • The program sponsor must file an online report with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
  • The Youth Protection Incident Report must be filled out within 24 hours of the report to RUPD.
  • Contact the Youth Protection Manager with additional questions at 713-348-5068 (during work hours) or 832-713-7108 (after work hours) or
  • Suspected or actual wrongdoing may also be reported through the Rice University EthicsLine or by calling 866-294-4633. Reports may be submitted anonymously and confidentially and will be directed to the appropriate University official for investigation.

Physical injury or illness/urgent care /hospitalization (non-Athletic programs)
  • In the event of an injury or illness, call REMS (x6000) to assess the situation and begin care.
  • If a youth needs to go to an urgent care clinic for medical treatment, only an approved Rice driver may transport the youth to the off-site location. Please ensure that at least two authorized adults are with the youth during transport to the urgent care clinic. A Rice owned, leased or rental vehicle is preferred over the personal vehicle of a program staff member. Program staff will attempt to notify the parent/guardian but in the event that they cannot be contacted, medical treatment that has been deemed necessary will continue. Communication with parent/guardian should continue throughout the care for the youth.
  • If the injury is sever and an ambulance is needed, call REMS (x6000), inform them of the situation and the location where the ambulance will need to arrive. Please ensure that at least two authorized adults are with the youth during transport to the hospital. Program staff will attempt to notify the parent/guardian but in the event that they cannot be contacted, medical treatment that has been deemed necessary will continue. Communication with parent/guardian should continue throughout the care for the youth.
  • The Youth Protection Incident Report must be filled out within 24 hours of a physical injury, illness, urgent care visit, or hospitalization.
  • Contact the Youth Protection Manager with additional questions at 713-348-5068 (during work hours) or 832-713-7108 (after work hours) or
  • Please consider purchasing a basic first aid kit for your program. Several options can be found on the Red Cross website.
  • If you are interested in having program staff complete first aid/CPR certification prior to your program, please visit the REMS website to review class dates.
Physical injury or illness/urgent care /hospitalization (Athletic programs)
  • In the event of an injury or illness, the on-site athletic trainer should be contacted as soon as possible. The athletic trainer will begin providing care.
  • If the injury is sever and an ambulance is needed, call REMS (x6000), inform them of the situation and the location where the ambulance will need to arrive. Please ensure that at least two authorized adults are with the youth during transport to the hospital. Program staff will attempt to notify the parent/guardian but in the event that they cannot be contacted, medical treatment that has been deemed necessary will continue. Communication with parent/guardian should continue throughout the care for the youth.
  • The Youth Protection Incident Report must be filled out within 24 hours of a physical injury, illness, urgent care visit, or hospitalization.
  • Contact the Youth Protection Manager with additional questions at 713-348-5068 (during work hours) or 832-713-7108 (after work hours) or
Mental Health
  • Please review the Mental Health Resources for Youth Programs before your program begins.
  • In the event a youth is experiencing a mental health crisis, reach out to the Texas Youth Helpline (1-800-989-6884) or Harris Center for Mental Health (713-970-7000).
  • If the youth is a danger to themselves or others, please call REMS (x6000) to request a transport to a hospital and notify the parent/guardian. Please ensure that at least two authorized adults are with the youth during transport to the hospital. Communication with parent/guardian should continue throughout the care for the youth.
  • The Youth Protection Incident Report must be filled out within 24 hours.
  • Contact the Youth Protection Manager with additional questions at 713-348-5068 (during work hours) or 832-713-7108 (after work hours) or
Incident between Program Staff or Incident involving an Adult not with Program
  • In the event of an incident between program staff, remove the program staff from the location with youth. Discuss the incident that occurred with the individuals and any witnesses and inform the program sponsor. The incident will be reviewed under the Youth Protection Code of Conduct.
  • In the event of an incident involving an adult not with the program, move the youth to a safe location away from the individual and contact the program sponsor. Provide as much information to the program sponsor as possible.
  • The Youth Protection Incident Report must be filled out within 24 hours.
  • Contact the Youth Protection Manager with additional questions at 713-348-5068 (during work hours) or 832-713-7108 (after work hours) or